Kissxsis Wiki
A Beautiful Evening
Kissxsis Manga Chapter 044
Chapter Info
Volume: Volume 08
Chapter: 44
Total Pages: 28
Release Date: June 22, 2011
Chapter Chronology
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Short Summary[]

While sharing the bathing facilities, the five young women work through their body image issues.

Long Summary[]

It seems each of our ladies (except Mikasuki) has an aspect of their physique that they are self-conscious about; be it breast size or pubic hair density. Mikuni, while actually quite well endowed in both areas is self-conscious about being self-conscious. Quite the opposite however is Mikasuki who is more than comfortable stating "It is a womans job to be watched!!" Everyone by the end gains a bit of empathy and commoradory, except Keita who has been waiting for a while...


references to previous chapters

New Characters[]

Unanswered Questions[]

Memorial Moments[]

