Title - "Koibito no Shikaku"(恋人の資格) - Qualifications of a Lover
Date - April 26, 2010
While Keita studies at school, Ako and Riko reminisce on when they started going to junior high, the first time they were apart from Keita. When they watched Keita perform athletics, they fell in love with him. Meanwhile, their teacher, Yūzuki Kiryū, eavesdrops on their discussions and begins to worry about what is going on with them. After studying, Keita runs into Ako and Riko at the shrine, where they were praying for his success. He remembers when he was young and prayed to marry both Ako and Riko, only to be told by his father that polygamy is illegal. Keita makes his wish and the three return together.
Adapted From[]
Chapter 4 and Chapter 5
Cultural References[]
"easter eggs"
Unanswered Questions[]
Memorable Moments[]
- Even though Ako and Riko had poor experiences of their attempts to date guys during their Junior High years, it doesn't change that their "philosophy" on boys being dirty, mean, violent, perverted, egocentric, and being downright the worst is completely hypocritical considering the facts that they do the exact same behaviors toward Keita Suminoe. In fact, it's safe to say that upon witnessing this viewers can confirm that Ako and Riko are basically pitiful damsels at this point in which they can't move on with their lives if Keita isn't their spouse. Instead, Ako and Riko continue to refuse on the acceptance of "reality" that there are countless potentials for them to have any boy as their lover.
- Ako Suminoe: Emotional, Pathetic, Perverse
- Riko Suminoe: Perverted, Unintelligence, Manipulative
- In all honesty and fairness, Ako's and Riko's personalities are worse than the personalities of the boys they've met before.
- This realization is one of the main reasons why the criticism for KissxSis continues to exist.